W Howard Ltd

W Howard is a leading manufacturer and distributor of MDF mouldings to the construction industry. The company is growing rapidly, both in terms of market share and profitability and in employee numbers, to meet the ever-changing demands of an increasingly competitive and challenging market.

Jonathan Grant, Managing Director:

“When we first engaged Chartside, we were at something of a crossroads… Should we consolidate our position and stay broadly as we were? Should we take advantage of a growing market opportunity and expand our activities? Should we acquire or merge with another leading player in the industry? Lots of choices…but no clear way forward!

We also had some significant challenges in how we worked together, especially within the senior team, and, to be honest, in how we managed our growth.

Working with Chartside has helped us ‘sort the wheat from the chaff’ and to take some important decisions. We now have a clear Vision of our future and a robust, detailed roadmap to take us there. We have an inspired senior team who work really well together and provide strong leadership and support for the whole organisation.

The company is ‘buzzing’, we really feel we’re going places and this is in no small part down to the guidance and support that we have received from Chris and the team at Chartside.”


“The company is ‘buzzing’, we really feel we’re going places and this is in no small part down to the guidance and support that we have received from Chris and the team at Chartside.”

Jonathan Grant, Managing Director, W. Howard Ltd.

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